lördag 11 augusti 2012

Haha it's so fun'

Diana bought me this today because we read a blog where there was a girl who said that theese gums are like the best gums ever. I tried one and then I was like, why do they have chocolate in the gums? It's like they trying to ruin my gum love. I can't really get it... This is why almost every American is fat, that have sugar in everything. This morning when I ate breakfast Diana gave me this fried bread or whatever, it was the same as ''wienerbröd'' for breakfast you know, it's so weird that they even have this sugar bomb to breakfast. From now on I'm stuck with yoghurt!!!

My IEC has two student at her house, one grime Norway and one fr Germany they are coming over so we are probably gonna go on the tube or something!


1 kommentar:

  1. gud va du bloggar!!! :D haha åh, jag skulle jättegärna vilja hälsa på er!!!!!!!!!! får se vad mina familjer säger om det bara! när tror du det skulle vara i så fall? puss
